The big '34'

There is an age old rule that says you should never ask a woman her age!  I have always found this funny, I've never had an issue with my age, it is in itself just a number, digits on page, but in the makings of those digits is my life, my happiness, my tears, my hard work, my memories.  I love my age, I love my birthday, not only is it a celebration of my birth, but it is also a celebration of just how far I've come and what I've achieved and experienced along the way.

 I turned 34 on Saturday.  Heading towards middle age and loving it.  I'm so grateful to be healthy and happy, to have Dec and my two beautiful boys and have my family so close.  Life is of course tough at times, and of course there are things that I regret having done or not done, but isn't it great that I'm in a position to look back and appreciate the good things that have been, are and will be in my life.  Life is for living, not for wishing it away or wishing we'd done things differently.  Enjoy what you've got here and now, even if that is a few extra grey hairs and wrinkles.  (I hear they add character!)

Photo: Happy birthday Trish xx from all here at 21󾬔󾬓󾬕󾬖❤️

I love a good party, I think you're beginning to realise that, and having survived my first week back at school, on Saturday I threw a good old Irish tea party for my boys and the family.  I know I probably shouldn't be throwing myself small parties, but I love them and the preparations that goes into them.  Jack was wound up all morning with excitement, singing 'hip hip hooray' at the drop of a hat and dying to get his hands of the Victoria Sponge I had made.  'Cakie' would be a staple food in our house if Jack had his way.  The cake was Rachel Allen's from her Cake book.  First time I tried this recipe and must saw sponge was lovely, light and fluffy.
But all good tea parties wouldn't be the same without chocolate  rice crispie cakes, chocolate chip queen cakes and of course, salad sandwiches.  I adore salad sandwiches and I'm always playing with my recipe, I'm currently adding  rocket, spinach, black pepper and grated cheese to the mix and I think they're gorgeous.  The empty plates would suggest I wasn't the only one.

It was so lovely to have Dec and the boys, along with my family, there to spend the day with me.  Big grand gestures and fancy pressies are nothing compared to the sound of your son singing happy birthday at the top of his voice and spitting all over the birthday cake trying to blow out the candles!!!
  Life is good.

Photo: #instacollage had such a lovely day #100daysofhappiness #day3 #inlovewithmylittlemen #happybirthday #happinessis

Bobby has been teething for a few weeks now and Saturday finally brought two bottom teeth.  We could see them for ages, but finally got the 'tink tink' on the spoon that morning.  I was very quick to pass the spoon to my mum to check.  She loves the old traditions and believes if you find the first tooth you have to buy the first pair of shoes.  Happy shopping Mum!!!  Bobby's been great though, in fairness, teething is such a horrible thing for kids to have to go through when their so small.  God it's hard enough for adults!  But our little trooper is the best xxx

Photo: Two rosy cheeks to match his first two teeth that broke through Saturday and still smiling - trooper! #happinessis #100daysofhappiness #day5 #inlovewithmylittlemen

Settled in on Saturday night to celebrate my old age in front of the fire, in my jammies with my beloved bubbles.  Bliss.  It really is the small comforts in life! Then last night had a long over due catch up with Ali.  Cake and chats.  Not the glamour of some Bank Holiday Sundays, that we've known, but a lovely night all the same.  Being able to hear each other was such a welcome change, to the shouting we would normally do in a bar.
Photo: #myloveaffairwithbubbles #happinessis

So its been a pretty good weekend, bar the weather, but like the wrinkles there isn't a hell of a lot I can do about that.  Reckon its cuddles on the couch and fire for the afternoon.  Hope you had a great bank weekend and that the week ahead treats you well.  Remember to appreciate all the good things in your life and not allow the negative to consume you.  Its so easy to over look the smallest of things, that bring such happiness.

Write soon,


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